Posts Tagged: french drain cleaning

What You Need to Know About French Drain Repairs

French drain problems are very common. Many homeowners have spent thousands of pounds on drainage system maintenance and repairs, sometimes trying their own hand at fixing the problem themselves. While it’s certainly not impossible to perform french drain repairs successfully, having a professional do the work for you can save you a lot of time and money. The best way to avoid complications with your french drains is to have your drainage system inspected and repaired by a professional every few years.

In the case of french drain repairs, it’s important to understand exactly what exactly is happening with your system before attempting to fix it. In the worst-case scenario, you might find a few pieces of blocked pipe. This isn’t necessarily the end of the world, as pipes can be pulled apart and replaced in less than one hour. If, however, your entire house is flooding, you’re going to need some sort of flood control mechanism, or french drain repairs will be required immediately.

Pittsburgh Waterproofing

The main problem with french drains occurs when old, worn-out pipes are plugged with tree roots and moss. These materials not only block pipes but also make it difficult to properly dispose of sewage and garbage. Tree roots can also cause the weight of the pipes to weaken, causing a complete break. In both of these cases, french drain repairs are necessary.

If your drains seem to be working correctly now, but they’re definitely aged beyond repair, don’t wait until you get real flooding. Instead, have your local plumbing company inspect your kitchen, bathtub, and bathroom sink. Chances are, they’ll see a few broken pipes, leaking joints, and other signs that french drain repairs might be needed. Once the inspectors visit your home, they’ll be able to give you an estimate for repairing your system. If your pipes are too worn out to fix, your city will likely want to contract out the job.

One of the biggest causes of french drains is simply having too much standing water in the area. If there’s no way to divert the standing water away from your property, then chances are, you’re going to end up with a backed-up french drain. Whether or not you ever experience flooding is really going to depend on where you live and how well your drainage system works. However, it’s always a good idea to make sure your drainage system is working properly, especially if you’re dealing with constant flooding.

Whether you never experience flooding, or you just find yourself with a backed-up french drain at one point or another, you should consider French drain repair services. While calling a plumber won’t be a bad idea if you’re dealing with a severe leak, it’s best to get a second opinion. The same can be said for dealing with a backed-up french drain installation. When you call professionals to address the problem, you can trust that they’ll give your drainage system a wonderful treatment and a guarantee for their work.

Having a french drain installation professionally handled is important because it ensures that there are no unsightly leaks. Leaks can be quite unattractive and they don’t exactly help your lawn in any way. Having a french drain repair service take care of the problem before it gets any worse is a good idea. After all, when standing water goes unchecked, it can create unhealthy mold growth in your home. While that’s not a particularly pleasant thing to deal with on your own, your trusted plumber can prevent it in his drain snake by cutting it straight across.

Don’t think twice about calling on french drain repair services if you have a flood or french drain installation to deal with. They know exactly how to solve the problem, which means you can rest easy knowing that your plumbers are going to make things right again. If you’re ready to get back to using your pool, patio, or outdoor spa, call one of these trusted drain snake companies for immediate service. The experts can fix the problem quickly and safely so you can get back to enjoying your outdoor living space again. With high-quality installations and reliable contractors, you can feel confident that you’ll be able to get your property back to normal again soon.